
Health promotion screening for Administration staff

Kabale University health services will conduct the health promotion screening of all administration staff with a focus on non-communicable disease (NCD) screening, including High blood pressure, Radom Blood sugar (Diabetes), and Body Mass Index (BMI). This exercise aims to have vibrant staff free from the effects of non-communicable diseases.


  • To carry out three days of Administrative staff screening services focusing on body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, and Radom blood sugar
  • To provide Information on the modifiable risk factors for NCD among administration staff through counseling and education,
  • To continuously follow up with administration staff found with NCDs risk factors and diseases for counseling and treatment at University Medical Clinic.

From this exercise, it is expected that Administrative Staff will understand very well the NCDs, and BMI to be able to continuously monitor their weight, understand the modifiable risk factors, and how they can participate in University health activities in relation to disease prevention.

For more details, Please contact the following people;



Start Date

March 6, 2023 9:00 am

End Date

March 9, 2023 4:00 pm


Kabale University Kikungiri Campus ( Near the Administration block)


Event Type


Target Audience

Unit of Affilication