
2019 Graduation Ceremony

The Academic Registrar informs prospective graduands that the 4th Graduation Ceremony of Kabale University (as a Public Institution) is scheduled to take place on Friday, 25th October, 2019, at Kikungiri Campus, Kabale Municipality.

The graduands are required to:

  1. Clear with all relevant offices not later than 11th October 2019
  2. Pay any outstanding fees balances including a Graduation fee of Shs 150,000
  3. Deposit graduation fee using the following mode of payment:
    1. Open any web browser (e.g.: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc…)
    2. In the Address Bar, type:
    3. Fill the following details in the form displayed on the screen/monitor Your full name,, and your telephone number.
  1. Click the Continue button to proceed
  2. Select Graduation fee, and click the Continue button to generate the zeepay reference number
  3. Go to any bank and present the zeepay number to effect payment
  4. For other outstanding fees balances, generate the zeepay number via your student portal, or visit the Bursar’s Office for guidance.
  5. Those who will not have completed payments shall not be presented for graduation.

The invitation cards for Graduands and their guests will be ready for collection from 21st to 23rd October from the Office of the Academic Registrar.

Graduands must take seats by 8.00am and invited guests are expected to be seated by 9.00am.

Knowledge is the Future



Start Date

October 25, 2019 8:00 am

End Date

October 25, 2019 3:00 pm


Kikungiri Campus, Kabale Municipality


Event Type

Target Audience


Unit of Affilication